Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ah, the thoughts of the American

     In the airport, the latest rag had the scandal of this week's celebrity caught cheating on his wife and the overheard conversation went like this:

* well that didn't take long
* How long were they married???
* well you know, they've been married a long time, 7/9 yrs maybe and she's old!!

It was at that point that I relocated and thought what kind of messed up world is this?

It's not a game, a test or a class so it's not cheating. It's a broken vow. It's tender treasures that were entrusted to a hero who turned out to be chump, upturning all the treasures placed in his care into the mud. He was suppose to lay down his life to protect his bride, his marriage and he failed. Does it matter how long ago the vow was made? Does it matter there are prettier girls than his bride? It truly breaks my heart to see this which is why I had to walk away. I couldn't gawk at his shortcomings because I have so many of my own.
It made me think, does our God gawk? Not a chance! He offers us another chance to take him all the treasures that were entrusted to us (muddy, missing or broken). He cleans them up and hands us a bigger treasure box in which to store our newly restored treasures and lo and behold he adds a few extra!! He sends us on our way knowing when we mess up (when not if!!), we can always come back to him and all it takes is an ounce of humility...
bless me Father ...

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