Friday, April 20, 2012

Women religous, come on out of the closet!

With the conclusion of the assessment of women religious in the states (concluded a couple of years ago among an environment of hostility from some of the women religious), the Vatican has announced a much needed "renewal of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious" citing "serious doctrinal problems". Read it for yourself.

"The current doctrinal Assessment arises out of a sincere concern for the life of faith in some Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. It arises as well from a conviction that the work of any conference of major superiors of women Religious can and should be a fruitful means of addressing the contemporary situation and supporting religious life in its most “radical” sense—that is, in the faith in which it is rooted."

There is a sincere concern for the life and faith of the women religious. Sincere! Wow, Imagine that (dripping sarcasm here)! The Holy Father and the Church are sincerely concerned about the life and faith of women religious. It's taken a long time and no one should be surprised really. The Church rarely moves quickly but when she does move it is majestic.

What right does the Vatican have to call for women religious to be aligned with the UCCSB (which they currently have opposed at every step of the way from Obamacare to mandatory contraception)?
" According to Canon Law, conferences of major superiors are an expression of the collaboration between the Holy See, Superiors General, and the local Conferences of Bishops in support of consecrated life."

So what is the big deal with the Leadership conference of women religious anyway?
"Addresses given during LCWR annual Assemblies manifest problematic statements and serious theological, even doctrinal errors."

I know I'm not the only one who's been waiting for a response from Mother Church on these dissident teachings and ways of life! For far too long they have gone unchecked. As uncomfortable as it is for our dissident brothers and sisters to hear this and their supporters (who feel like they have found a home within the Catholic Church for their erroneous belief structure), it is important to inform them that their belief structure is  what it is - heretical and not founded in truth. We're out of the closet! YIPPIE SKIPPIE!!!!
This does one major and important thing - it addresses the Big Huge Fat White Stinking Elephant in the room.

Note to reader: Not once in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's document do they attack people. They attack erroneous and faulty teaching. Love the person, hate the sin.

I hated it when Mother Church pointed out when I was trapped in dangerous and perilous heretical beliefs because I was so attached to those beliefs but if she hadn't, I would have never come out of the closet and into the marvelous light. So to all my sisters out there, come out of the closet and into the light.

Don't move beyond Jesus, move towards Him - anything beyond is away from Him and away from truth and goodness.

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