Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Night Jesus. I love zzzzz

The beautiful thing about having kids... is having children. I can't imagine who I'd be without them because as selfish as I am, I'd be way worse without them. Last night Peachy told me, "Mama, I want to be just like you. You're a saint." To which I laughed and she then said "Well, if you're not, you will be."


If there is anyone who could be a poster child of how not to be a saint (other than St. Augustine) it would be me. Oh hang on, he's now a saint. Bad analogy. Seriously though I look at my little girl and discover every day something new. Yesterday's lesson was on stewardship (more about that in a later blog if anyone's interested or can't sleep).

There is nothing quite like looking at the world through the eyes of a child. Better still is looking at the world through the heart of a child (at least a well formed child or a non-punky child).

"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God" Mt 5:8
Pope Benedict XVI comments on the bottom of pg 93 in Jesus of Nazareth that the organ to see God is the heart. Fascinating. How does one acquire this purity of heart? In this day and age, good luck! You have to practice heroic virtue to be pure of just about anything these days, but I look at my little girl and here's what I see, a purity that just blows me away. I think, if she can love me, how much more must my creator love me? Am I right? Well children teach us many things daily. She teaches me how to pray:

I asked her as she went to bed to pray a decade since I mis-managed our night again. So when papa went to check on her he found her buried underneath her blankets hugging a picture of the Divine Mercy. So he picks up the picture because he figures Jesus doesn't want to be covered in little girl sweat ('cause at night, she is a sweatball) and placed it on her shelf. That's when he discovers her clutching a rosary in one hand and a scapular in the other.

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