Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The mass is useless?

"Mom, the mass is so useless."
My response with a smile was: "Yep, sweetie. It sure is!"

It is absolutely useless. Here I quite agree with my atheist friends. You see there are goods that are pleasurable and there are goods that are good in themselves. We consider things useless when we can't derive any pleasure from them but a thing is eminently useful because it takes us to something for its own sake. 

Now granted one might have a mystical experience at mass but most of the time those never or rarely happen. We may not derive a pleasure from the whole mass experience. If you do, that's great but it's not for the sake of pleasure that the mass exists. It exists for itself and it is a good all on it's own. 

"So sweetie, the mass is indeed useless (in the sense that we may not derive pleasure from it) and because it is useless it is profoundly useful because it points to nothing more than itself, a good. The mass points to God. "

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