Friday, June 22, 2012

Monkeyboy can't stand tomatoes. Some people can't stand LeBron.

I can't get the boy to eat tomatoes. He gags. He just doesn't like them. No amount of cooking, flavoring, grilling, or varying presentations changes that. So do I make him choke them down?

This is essentially what these IDIOTIC sports commentators are insisting everyone do with LeBron James. Dan Gilbert (Cav's owner) didn't outright congratulate LbJ on his ring. Why should he? Did any other NBA owner/team do so?

The media has made this a story and THEY want closure. Others might be more inclined to think LbJ is a douche-bag with a ring but in their opinion he will always be a douche-bag unless he does something to prove he's not. Proving he's not does not mean getting a ring. 

Mike and stand-in Ike this morning commented (in the 10 seconds I listened to them before switching them off) something like "people can't complain anymore that he's not a clutch player". Perhaps but you idiot it was never about his clutch play! That was an outlet to the underlying, "we can't stomach the guy". So take your ring and your tie tack and have a nice day.

To be completely honest, I am not a LbJ hater, never have been. I'm impressed with his talent but the sports commentators and media has made this such a huge issue that it's convincing me I need to not like the guy. If some people have hard feelings about LbJ, rubbing their noses in the fact that he has a ring isn't going to change their opinion.

Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget the douchey things someone's done. It doesn't mean you have to like someone. It doesn't mean you have to congratulate them. It may mean you have to battle through your own feelings to refrain from saying anything uncharitable. Is this what Dan Gilbert did in his tweet? I don't know as I can't read his mind or heart but I do know that he graciously thanked both teams for their finals performance and he refrained from saying anything uncharitable. Sometimes that's is all we are capable of stomaching.

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