Friday, August 26, 2011

There is a difference between boys and girls. There just is!

Peach pit has a job, honestly and truly! She's good at it too. Now if I could only get the boy to go out and get a job, I could take his job: stay home, play wii, sleep in, eat junk food and pursue my hobbies. He's not in any sort of hurry to give up that job so there won't be any vacancies for that position anytime soon but I have noticed the disparity between the two of them is just fascinating.

She nurtures. He teases.
She decides based on "how is this going to affect others?". He decides based on "how is this going to impact me?".
She plays games to be close to her brother, to foster a relationship. For him the game is an activity between him and the game. He'll pound her face into the pavement if it means winning. That's the only relationship that exists in his world. Focus!
She's disappointed when she falls short. He's embarassed, maybe, when he falls short.
She'll go outside of her comfort zone to help. He'll stand there completely clueless how to help.

The difference between the two as they age... they'll be older. I imagine they'll both learn  how to relate to the opposite sex (sex is a powerful motivator for boys), but I imagine he still won't have a clue how to nurture a relationship with his sister.

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