Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oh, you sexy thing!

Evil is attractive. It's sexy, appealing and it gets your motor running until that is you come to see it in the fullness of light and then you find that it's gross, appalling and the motor's not so much running as choking. That's something that fasting can bring to your prayer life. It helps shine the light in the dark. It helps open your eyes to evil and that is related to something fascinating from the Genesis account of the fall of Adam and Eve. Their eyes were opened to evil (because it became part of them, kind of like cancer) AFTER the fall and only then did they noticed their nakedness. (The serpent told them if they ate of the fruit they would be like God, knowing good and evil, but the liar refrained from telling them that God doesn't know evil. It's not part of him. He knows evil like a doctor knows cancer. A Dr. doesn't get cancer in order to treat it.) The fact that they had innie and outie bits prior to the fall was an existence they didn't even notice until AFTER evil entered the picture and tipped the scales of their ordered appetites to disorder. Fascinating.

So perhaps it's just and fitting that since we came to know evil by partaking of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, we can come to know God (and see evil like he sees it, outside of himself) by refraining from partaking of food.

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