Friday, September 9, 2011

My kids are going to need therapy

When the family was gone this summer, I got used to many things: lots of quiet, empty fridge, clean house, not having to concern myself with modesty while in the house... mostly. I mean the windows were kind of closed. Dressing before/after a bath has never been a strength. I'd lazy up to my room with a towel on or not and dress there. I don't consider it that big a deal. Apparently monkeyboy does. So I've been trying to remember to shut my door when I change and make sure I'm dressed before I walk out from a closed room. I'm trying! I know it shouldn't be that hard but it's me! 

After bathing yesterday it occurred to me that I forgot to bring clean underclothes. At least I remembered to bring clean clothes (because my family is apparently conservatively modest), so someone give me a break. I'm trying, really I am! I made the executive decision to wrap my soggy hair in the lone towel that was in the bathroom (I can't stand being drippy and with my long wet hair that's a near impossibility!), put on my clean shirt because I'm modest (hell, who am I trying to kid) and sneak upstairs bottomless. It was 6 am. Honestly, who's up at that hour except me? As I turn the corner to go upstairs I glance back to the dining room and there sits monkeyboy rolling his eyes and shaking his head at my bare bottom.

Apparently I should have left a wet streak of water from my drippy hair instead of a mama streak.

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