Monday, April 4, 2011

Beautiful Lady

I found the most beautiful lady in the world in the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal.

She is just stunning and the symbol of everything right and good about femininity. What other culture, what other religion beside Christianity and primarily Catholicism, consistently elevates woman to such a high honor and places her virginity, femininity, motherhood and sanctity on a pedestal?

So many people think the opposite and want to make woman man, that somehow by giving man's tasks to woman would elevate and frees her but in reality, it turns woman's gaze away from her God given honor. The Catholic church rightly elevates woman's place and places as our guide and model for motherhood and femininity on a pedestal. The virgin Mary wasn't weak. She stood by her son as he was beaten and tortured with a backbone of steel and cleaned the filth off of his dead body. She knew poverty, and she is a woman who makes the very gates of hell tremble.
So never be afraid to approach our Lady because no one is ever too filthy for her to clean off for her son and if you let her, you'll lover her with the heart of a child.

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