Saturday, May 14, 2011

A majority of Catholic women use birth control

Well that's the finding of the Guttmacher 'Planned Parenthood' Institute.

I'm not surprised. It comes back to fear and control. I want to control on my own terms the whens,  wheres and hows of MY fertility. Personally, I think it's a control addiction, and we control addicts are not free. We are trapped by our own argumentative walls and we look around and call it freedom.
In the middle of a most intimate encounter you want to stop and go oh, hey, hang on, 'do you have protection', or ' let me put this on' or reach for some spermicide... oh, yeah 'cause that's sexy. Let me tell you when I'm in the throws of a passionate embrace that's the oh, NEVER thing on my mind. I got more important matters that require nothing less than ALL of my attention.

And yet, people buy into the lies of contraception with their rickety walls of arguments....
...if we didn't have birth control, we'd be overpopulated - Bullshit. There's enough resources for any child. We have a distribution problem not a resource problem.

...families would be large and poor and couldn't afford anything - Bullshit. What's wrong with large families? Children grow. They will take care of aging parents. They will contribute to the economy. They are our future.

...I can't afford to have kids - Bullshit. Breastmilk is free and if it's important enough you will find a way

...I'd have 20 kids without birth control - Bullshit. Do you gain 20 lbs just because you like cake and ice cream. Besides a woman is only fertile a few days out of each monthly cycle.

...Kids take time and energy and I wouldn't have time for work, hobbies, stuff I like to do - No Shit Sherlock! It's called self-sacrifice. It's called dying to yourself and guess what??? It HURTS. It's suppose to hurt, but (and here's the doozy) as much as it hurts, there is no greater high because this is where the divine meets humanity, in the dying.

And that my friends is freedom. Having the courage to live (albeit counter-culturally) responsibly our relationship with each other (and with God) in the way he has called us to himself, either single (chaste and celibate) or married (chaste). Each way requires a dying to self. One way is not harder than the other but one is made specifically for me to embrace, to love and to live in freedom, not in chains, but we prefer our chains to our freedom.
Why?? Chains are familiar and are in our reach. The unknown frightens us, so we try to control, well everything. If we were really in control, we wouldn't be afraid. We'd control our fear and let courage lead us out of darkness and into light, so we could truly live in freedom.

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