Monday, November 14, 2011

Pancake Day!!!

Actually I used to hate pancakes mostly because my dad made them like EVERY Saturday and Sunday and sometime in the middle of the week. I got so sick of eating pancakes on Saturday and then being conscripted to help out with the family lawn or vegetable selling business that I just couldn't take one more pancake but after a good long pause from pancakes, my attitude has mellowed.

Monkeyboy was away at a gymnastics clinic this weekend, so we missed him and Papa on Sunday. This morning as I was lying next to the monkey trying to cajole him out of bed I asked what he wanted for breakfast....'pancakes, because we missed pancakes on Sunday'. (Pancakes are a bit of work on a Monday morning and ordinarily Papa doesn't make us pancakes on weekdays.)

However, I thought awww, how sweet. Sundays are usually a special day at our house. We have pancakes or waffles, eggs, bacon maybe or omlettes after mass and by 'we have' I mean 'Papa makes'. So off I went requesting pancakes from Papa because everyone knows Papa will make anything Mama wants. I didn't really want pancakes this morning but my kids did and that was enough for me. We had Sunday breakfast on Monday morning. It was fabulous.Thank you Papa!

And that my friends is our Marian lesson for today. We pray for Mary to help us because she is the Mother of Jesus. She has a special place in His heart and in His kingdom. When we give her our prayers, she polishes them up and presents them to Jesus in a way that is irresistible for Him to deny. He loves her so much. He indulges her and she know what to ask for, how to ask for it and will never fail in acquiring for us exactly what we need.

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