Monday, June 20, 2011

A tale of two priests: Fr. Corapi and Fr. Cutie

I am absolutely astounded at the reaction to Fr. Corapi's announcement to leave the priesthood. The way the crowds have reacted is just mesmerizing. Akin is troubled with the undertones and imagery his new persona,  Black Sheep Dog portrays. I think he's reading just a little too hard into the tea leaves.
What amazes me is not the announcement or even the reaction, ok well the chick at the Register commenting about him took the passive aggressive stance on Corapi but even that's not surprising. (She's a woman; it's more in our nature.) What is surprising is the reaction to the reaction.

If you recall back a couple years ago this Florida priest who had his hands down some beach babe's swimsuit, remember him, Fr. Cutie? Yes well as soon as he was found out people were all in a rush to come to his aid to support him to excuse him. What did he do?  He announced he was going to take some time to pray over his situation. Ah, the high road. What did his lengthy meditation of less than a week determine? He would leave the church, get married to beach bimbo and join the Episcopal church, not just join but be an ordained minister. Did he inform his bishop? Did he ask to be laicised? Nopedy, nopedy, no, no. At the time he said he saw value in the priesthood and that he was not against celibacy and that he wouldn't be the "anti-celibacy" pitch man....until a year or so later when he became the anti-celibacy pitch man.

Fr. Corapi announces he is leaving the priesthood after what, the lenten and easter season and then some. He hasn't yet announced officially that he's asking to be laicized, but we will have to wait and see how he handles that part of the story. He did inform his superiors before he went public though.

The reaction to the reaction is very telling. With Fr. Cutie, people could forgive him but with Fr. Corapi it seems the mob is yelling "fraud". Fr. Cutie left the table. He left his bride out in the cold. Fr. Corapi it seems is still part of our table and as much as he may or may not want to be separated from his bride, he's determined THAT is what is currently needed.

Circumstances sometimes dictate that spouses be separated to complete a mission at hand. That is the situation I presently find myself in at the moment. My husband is assisting his aging parent so our family is separated and will be. Neither of us like it but we understand. We still love each other and we still support each other. Who knows perhaps that's Corapi's mission now. It might be his sacrifice to be removed from priestly ministry. We may never know.

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