Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jesus, you listening?

Why was it you sent me here 'cause seriously, Ohioans are @#+!%. Yes, I know, that's not nice but it's true. Who would willingly allow their income to be taxed by local authorities, right off the top, forget deductions, they don't exist and not even bat an eye, give a care, on the other hand they rather come to expect it with glee even?

My grievance is that there are literally NO services that are offered as part of this blessed robbery. Homeless aren't fed, clothed, educated, sick cared for, nope. Trash and leaves are picked up. Believe me I can easily pay for that service at a much lower rate and the business that would do that service would make use of the refuse to make additional revenue, the city, not so much.

The bigger point is that they put up with this because either they are @%#! or they've never lived anywhere else, EVER. Which may be the case. I've come to find out many people live their whole life here and in most cases they've lived within the same 50 mile radius and don't know what it's like to live somewhere else. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I haven't lived/worked in the same 50 mile radius nor frequented the same church for longer than a few years at a time. After a few years in a particular job/city/church I always find out it's time for a move. I'm sure the people around me appreciate it too. Although, Jesus, with so much moving around it would help tremendously if I had an extroverts personality with an affinity for short-lived acquaintances or friendships instead of my introversion with tight-knit long lasting friendships. I'm just saying, you handicapped me! Twerp!

I am convinced that you are highly amused with me! Whoever says God doesn't have a sense of humor, obviously does not know me.

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