The new church year starts this Sunday, the first week of Advent.
Here are some top ten ways you can begin the new church year:
1. Hey, it's not a spectator sport, resolve to fully participate in mass.
With the new translation of the Roman missal, we all get to read along. No longer will you feel self-conscious that you haven't a clue what the words to the creed are. None of us knows it by heart, but this gives you an opportunity to pray it from the heart, which is far more important.
2. Instead of overeating, try over-praying.
Let's face it we all sometimes eat too much, play games too much, watch tv too much but really has anyone ever gotten blocked arteries from praying too much? Give it a try, you just might find out it's been what you've been missing all along.
3. Pray for your enemies.
Anyone can hate his enemies but only the best can pray for his enemies.
4. Be a man.
Only a real man knows the true power of being able to get down on his knees in humble adoration of God. (It goes without saying that man in this context means God's beautiful creation of man or woman.)
5. Pick up the Catechism of the Catholic Church
You have questions. It has answers.
6. Say your sorry...
in the sacrament of reconciliation and say it often. We are all scared of admitting when we've failed. It says I did wrong but unless we do, we'll never really get healed. It takes courage to stand before the person of Jesus Christ and humbly and honestly name your sins aloud. (You're in luck! The Catholic Church has men who by virtue of their ordination humbly stand 'in persona Christi', person of Christ, just for you. He also seeks the sacrament for himself before a brother priest. You can go to someone who doesn't know you. He doesn't get the benefit of anonymity.)
7. Read the Sunday gospel
before Sunday. If I have a meeting at work especially where I have to present something to the group, you better believe I will be preparing for it ahead of time. You're presenting your prayers before the God of the universe, read the meeting agenda ahead of time.
8. Don't cram for the final.
Why are there so many elderly at mass on Sunday, on retreats, at bible study, at daily mass? They have the time. True, but for many it takes a lifetime of crisis, deaths and burials to finally sway their hearts to recognize that the only sure thing in life is not death but a creator who desires the very best for you and me.
9. Make course corrections.
How happy would you be if you only sporadically spent time with your closest family members or best friend? We make time for so many things in life and then tell the God who created it all for us that we don't have time for Him. Take a few minutes each night to turn your heart to God and review your day. See where God has blessed you and thank Him. See where you failed and resolve to do better.
10. Take the 40 day challenge!
If you don't believe in the Church, church teachings or even in God, I triple dog dare you to take this challenge. Set aside your personal feelings, your views, and your opinions for just 40 days and be completely obedient to church teachings. That means you may have to learn what the church actually teaches. 40 days. What do you have to lose?