Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Men in briefs. Good grief!

I went shopping last night for undershirts for the monkeyboy and accidentally picked up a package of briefs with some six pack ripped man displaying tighty whities du jour. He was fit and it was gross. I wanted to spew. People who like that sort of thing are just weird. Maybe I'm weird. Forget the maybe. I need no man to dangle for my enjoyment because honestly that's just gross. (You're welcome for the visual.) 

Yes, I can wind a catheter down to the left carotid artery, maze my way through intestines on my way towards a kidney, perform surgical feats of gross anatomy and then be famished for lunch, but men in underwear gross me out. Actually I never did mind seeing my brother and dad in their underwear. As men go, my dad has a pretty stellar physique. My brother used to get home from school and strip down to his underwear. Eh, Texas. However, in general men pictured in briefs tend to gross me out. I need a level of intimacy established (a relationship) in order to see a guy in his briefs and in that case, it ceases to be spew-worthy and becomes a perfunctory occasion for conversation. 

Women on the other hand, we have innie and outie bits and we're just a pleasurable sight, (not so much when we're decked out in creepy lingerie), but put a woman in a white terry cloth robe with disheveled hair and matching slippers and we're just too adorable! 
I've always found a woman in sleepwear a far more wholesome, appealing and irresistible sight than an airbrushed woman with silk dental floss running up her butt crack. (You're welcome for the visual.)

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