Today we celebrate the feast day of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. An angel isn't a job title. It's a job description. It means proclaim a message. Messages that are of supreme importance say like the message announcing the birth of Christ are administered by archangels. Whereas messages of lesser importance are delivered by angels. We also have guardian angels. I love my guardian angel. I wish I could hear/understand him better but I'm guessing that takes practice, commitment and a whole lot more holiness that I don't have. I hear him dimly.
My best friend is traveling. He's on a pilgrimage and I was worried that he'd miss his connecting flight in Europe unless they delayed it because of delays on his outbound side. I have no ordinary way to communicate with him so in the middle of morning prayers I got this overwhelming sense that his plane was in the air and he was on it. It was accompanied by a sense of peace. So after prayer I checked the flight status on my handy dandy phone (Is that a confession-able offense? I mean I also use my phone to pray. Ibrievary is awesome! Although the outage earlier this week was inconvenient.) and found out that his flight did indeed take off.
Angels, Guardian angels, Arcchangels are real. You can't see them. You can't feel them. They are like love. Love is a verb. It is an action. Angel is proclaim a message. So you will only know them in the do-ing. Love can't be weighed. It can't be touched. It can't be held. It can be given, received or experienced. So it is with angels.
Today we celebrate the archangels whose job description is to proclaim messages of God's wonderous power: Michael, God's strength: Gabriel and God's healing powers: Raphael.
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