Sunday, November 18, 2012


On my last post I commented about how in America you really can't speak politics without the conversation degenerating into arguments. Oh how close the arrow strikes!

I was in New York last week and one of my colleagues commented that his wife and best friend of over 30 years parted ways... over the presidential election.

Now I will grant that I'm not an Obama fan for many reasons.
- his support of abortion
- government funding of abortion, aborifacients (medicine that causes abortion, including birth control meds)
- his belief that government creates jobs (yes government can create jobs, but private sector creates wealth)
- this notion that all our problems will be fixed if we tax the wealthy (It doesn't work except to create animosity and jealousy between the have nots and the have's)
- a health care reform that includes contraceptive drugs mandated to be covered by institutions that have a religious or moral opposition to it (Contraception drugs are also one class of drugs that doesn't treat an illness. It treats a normally functional organ to act abnormally which violates the purpose of medicine - to heal.) A vasectomy is a form of mutilation but is a covered procedure. A vasectomy reversal on the other hand, restores the organs to their normal functional state and is the healing procedure which is the procedure not covered. Does that make sense to anyone?
- his epic fail to reach across a divide because he's full of pride and if you don't agree with him, he gets angry

That being said, he was elected by the majority of the country, by a small fraction but nevertheless by the country. The failure belongs to the country. If we are to change course, it will be through hearts and minds. It will be one person at a time. Do you know why 40 Days for Life has been so successful? Do you know what it is?

40 Days for Life is an organization of people who peaceably pray, fast and give alms twice a year. Well they do this all year but it's organized twice a year. They target abortion facilities. The key is they do something nonsensical by normal standards. They pray, one person at a time outside of an abortion facility. The prayer "warriors" many times don't even know each other but they show up for 40 days to quietly pray and be a presence for the unborn child. They are changing hearts and minds with this nonsensical power of prayer. They are doing this and changing hearts, one heart at a time and not through political muscle.

So for my friends out there disappointed with the presidential election, I say this:
Reconcile with your brothers and sisters, your friends and neighbors. We will get through this because this too shall pass and let this be a reminder not to put your faith in things that pass. Have faith, trust and hope in God. He is good. All the time.

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