Friday, July 6, 2012

Morning grabby

I thought husband was the only grabby and cranky one but this guy was distinctly not pleased with me. In the octopus' defense he had every right to be displeased with me. I think animals and babies have this instinctive knowledge of an inner dimension and they can spot idiots a mile away.

I have a horrible track record with plants and animals. I'm not vicious or purposefully mean to animals. I am characteristically negligent and that's not good. I used to wonder why God only granted us 2 kids. Now I'm beguiled and curious as to why on earth he ever gave me even 1. Somehow they managed to make it past infancy and I can guarantee you it was not though my tender loving devotion of serving their every need. Through some miracle, they have made it to the age where they are capable of feeding and clothing themselves. Plants and animals are not so lucky around me. For the benefit of plants and animals everywhere I will never to own a pet or plant of any variety, ever, ever, ever again. I will share that story perhaps this weekend if I can pluck up the courage.

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