Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes, I am Doctor

Yes, those are paper sticks in my hair. Look bud if your kids used your hair accessories for wands and you had as much hair as I do, you wouldn't look at me with such disdain, but as it is you're trying to utilize way too much gradient power for such a small field of view, either increase your bandwidth or increase your excitation volume. Yes, I am Dr. Warner, paper sticks and all.
When I was in Europe, I ran an experiment for my stateside colleague. I showed up at work in braided pigtails. Pigtails!!! My international physicist colleagues didn't even bat an eye and treated me like the colleague I am. In fact they didn't even notice the pigtails. They are as oblivious as my husband, and I love him all the more for that very reason. I explained to my stateside colleague, the same reaction to the pigtails would NEVER happen in the states. Never. I can show up naked for work in Europe, and it'd be the same. Although, I might get a lot of smiles and extra visitors. I'll refrain from conducting that experiment though.

Shopping with thing 1 and thing 2

I haven't gone to the length's of my mother in law who used to go up to people and ask if her own sons were theirs (yet). Oh, the looks I get though make me want to pretend they are someone elses' children. The latest adventure resulted when I asked them go and search for a snack for the week each would like and it went like this:
1: How about this?
2: Let me see. Nope. Corn syrup, no way! Put it back!!
1: oh, mini oreos
2: Hmm... it says the first ingredient is SUGAR!!!! Put it back!!!
1: This one has high fructose corn syrup.
2: SAME THING! Put it back! Oh, I'm taking teddy grahams.
1: uh-uh, let me see... Oh no corn syrup. I'll take those too!
1,2: Mom, we're ready!!!

I guess I shouldn't tell them I bought cookies for my weekly snack?

How 'bout dem boys?

Cowboys play on Sunday!!!! Somedays I really, really, really wish we had tv reception. I'm wondering how bad it would be if I were to hide the purchase of a digital receiver from husband. Is there any way I could accidentally purchase one?
I'll have to give that some thought. Next week they play MN!!! Good times. I'm sure Maria will give me play by play updates if the Vikings score.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Somebody's growing

What is it about growth spurts and crankiness? Trees and flowers bud in silence, my children - not so much. Her majesty woke up (late), cranky, went back to bed and re-awoke as little Miss cranky-pants. I don't get it!

It's state fair of Texas time!

We've been to the state fair of MN (eh - it was ok), but not OHs' yet. They'll never be the state fair of Texas so why bother going is my opinion(oh, did I say that aloud? There will be retribution I'm sure!), but here's something I won't be reminiscing about, fried or on a stick?

Fried beer. Apparently it's a winner. There's so many things I miss about Texas but fried beer won't be one of them.

In 30 seconds or less...

I asked Monkey boy last night: Why did God create you?
Without batting an eye, taking a breath or searching his mind, he rattled off ' to know him, love him, serve him and be happy with him'
"In heaven", I added. 'yep'

I stand in awe that God chose me to reveal to his children who God is and in so doing they reveal to me who God is. I ponder sometimes that soldiers don't go wandering aimlessly through a battlefield, players don't go on the field without a game plan, I don't go in unprepared when I need to make a presentation to my colleagues, so why should I go out in life not prepared or knowing my purpose, my mission? If I don't know what my purpose here on earth is, I'll wander aimlessly in and out of doors leading who know where. I'll be occupied for sure, but I'll never know nor complete my mission. More's the pity for me.

Don't you care?

Well? Don't you? This is the question posed to Jesus by Martha today when she's overburdened with work and there's no one to help her. Why, I wonder do I also assume that Jesus just doesn't care when he sits back and waits while I turn irreverent, selfish, conceited, and yes I very much am all the things I just mentioned. Although, I could have just as easily said 'the world turns irreverent...', but why travel so far when the problem is really much closer than that. Does he not care?

He cares only too much. So much does he love us that he will not force his will upon us, because a gift that's required is no gift at all. He wants us to love him, to love our neighbor as ourselves, but he will not make us do so.

So what’s my response? To be present, truly present, when I’m listening to someone drone on, when I’m with the kids, when I’m distracted with problems and in all the moments of today, if I could just be present to whoever and whatever needs my attention, I just might be able to become a better person and in so doing, give him the gift he so desperately desires of me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How many times must I forgive?

Monkeyboy wanted to buy a remote controlled plane with the money burning a hole in his pocket. So off we went, only he sabotaged his purchase by terrorizing his sister. The next day we tried again only his behavior was an exact replica of the day prior. My response: I'm done! We've tried. You're not trying - don't ask again.
Hmmm... What is remarkable to me is that in my own life our Lord listens to me (He actually listens, which really anyone who listens to me should get a prize.), and forgives me each and every time I ask forgiveness, for the same stupid stuff I do.
This isn't a mute, name-less, face-less Lord, it's Jesus himself who hears me, who listens to me, who forgives me over and over and over again. He never tires of forgiving (my confessor - well that's probably a different story).

I guess we'll try for the plane again later this week and then again this weekend until we get it right.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

On any good day...

Five times I have received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I have been beaten with rods; once I was stoned. Three times I have been shipwrecked; at night and at day I have been adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brethren; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure upon me of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant? (2 Cor 12:24-29)

and how was your day?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Monkee night prayers

The children's night prayers always put me to shame. Always.
'What are you thankful for today?'
- for the family
'You're thankful for the family when I'm cranky at you for having eaten all the chocolate?'
(It was my special belgian batch and it was suppose to last another week at least!!!)
- yeah
'Oh, please what is something you are really thankful for today?'
- Just because your cranky with me doesn't mean I don't love you and the family.

By the way the follow up question was: 'What's something you'd need help doing?'
-not eating all the chocolate

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feast day!

I love feast days. I don't know why. I just do. I have issues I suppose. Today we celebrate Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel! Two are extraordinarily special to our family, but it's terribly depressing that I'm the only one excited about today's feast day. I'm guessing I'm not allowed to beat them into submission of celebration?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh, the cleverness of me!

I wonder how long it will take the kids to notice that we read the Sunday gospel on purpose prior to Sunday. Today's comment was, 'You know that story we read last week? Well they read that at church this last Sunday!' - "Wow! Really? How cool is that! I wonder if they'll do it again?"

I so love it that the church follows my lead! Oh the cleverness of mother church!

My daily med (Lk9:51-56)

When the locals refused to welcome Jesus his disciples asked him, should we smite them, call down fire and let it consume them? Huh, huh? Can we? Please, please, please. Sacred scripture says Jesus's rebuked them. I'm guessing his response was something like this:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday

I was ruminating and pondering that I never wanted to get married, never thought I'd get married, never wanted/thought I'd have kids and not sure most days that I want the ones I have or have anymore. Had I not had kids or a husband I probably would've had vacation homes, fancy cars and boats, season tickets to anything and everything, lovers on every continent, money to buy anything my heart desired and how my heart would desire these things and more. Um, hold on, I'm having a hard time seeing the downside in all that. Where was I going with that???
     One day in that string theory future I would've woken up on empty having searched and not found what my heart truly desired and on that day, I would've doubled the contents of all the oceans with tears of remorse. My God loved me too much to see me as unhappy as that so he brought me close to Him so I could pour out a heart full of gratitude for all the gifts he's given me and for the ones he shielded me from. I love you too. Although, I really would like a boat.

Friday, September 24, 2010

On the corner of Leviticus and Deuteronomy twirling my beads

    the daily mass whore gets lots of experience praying with different congregations, priests, worship styles. I've been around the fruitcakes and the wacky priests who change the liturgy to say 'she' instead of 'He', 'Mother' instead of 'Father' or my 'sisters and brothers' instead of brethren or brothers and sisters. Let's elevate woman in this way. Let's make her not equal to man, but superior, HA HA HA! Then she shall be happy and no longer badger anyone. Really?
I remind myself God chose to be a man. He chose.
I also remind myself that he chose to be born of a woman. In so doing he elevated woman in a way words would never do.
So pray however you like. I'll pray with you but not to be superior to man. I only want to be his partner, and if you really want to know I would just love for him to be a hero!

Shopping list

stick butt (stick butter :-))
DSi x2
"Hunny, um why are there (at this point sir monkeyness conspicuously scampers out of the room) 2 Nintendo DSi's on the SAMs list?"
         What made me smile regarding the last item was not that monkey boy had the cheekiness to write down DSi’s on the grocery list but that he wrote down x2. He can say he doesn’t love her all he wants but his actions betray him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Headache Novena

         Typically, a novena is 9 consecutive days of prayer. I was hoping to make it through life never doing one, but my friend Maria made sure I had several under my belt. I even started a few on my own. Started being the key word.
          There are loads of variations on this prayer theme, but nine days is the standard. I never, ever, ever expected to branch out into the present novena. I am on the sixth day of a headache. Six Days!! I can't normally make it through 9 days of prayer so I am hoping this novena headache goes the way my ordinary novenas go and it peters out well before nine days.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Meds

      In Luke's gospel parable of the rich man and Lazarus (16:19-31), both die and the name-less, face-less rich man begs for Lazarus to be sent to him to comfort him. While in this life Lazarus lacked all the material goods of the rich man, what most amazed the kids when we discussed this was that the rich man knew Lazarus in this life. He knew his name. To know one's name is to gain entry into intimate friendship with someone. Nevertheless, Lazarus remained a name-less person to rich man as he lived this life. So I asked them,who is the Lazarus in your life?
   Whether they remained speechless because they were pondering or whether they were bored will remain to be seen.

Killer Martyr Starter cards

     Those who know me, know my proclivity for Killer Bunnies, so imagine my shock when we open the mail and find our killer martyr card starter deck, with the option to buy expansion packs. Nice try, but I don't think we'll accept.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hurrican Katrina relief sop up pads

     My husband's lack of feminine experience became readily apparent shortly after marriage. Although he was eager to discover every naked square inch of my flesh, the discovery of my female cycle took him quite by surprise. I recall his face falling in shock when he found me in one of my feminine hygiene moments: 'you're, you're, you're ...bleeding'. So it really should come as no surprise to me that he returns from an emergency hygiene product run with tampons that could have been used for emergency dike control during Hurricane Katrina.
   Good grief! That's the last time I send him to the store without a list, but the eternal optimist in me says, 'If there's ever a flood, we're prepared!'.


Monkeyboy's godmother and husband are divorcing after 15 yrs of marriage. It's devastating news. I can't help but think of my late brother's wife who'd give anything to have what most couples take for granted.
Hello World

Monday, September 20, 2010


I loathe attending gymnastics practice. The seats are uncomfortable, there is no proper place to view the practice and I can’t communicate to sir monkeyness, so why go? He enjoys it when I attend. He suppresses all emotions of course (if I didn’t know better I’d think him German) but his heart skips a beat & his eyes light up when I walk in unexpected. My presence albeit in discomfort, irritation, and boredom brings him great joy and in a strange way brings me joy.
         Isn’t this similar to doing those little acts of kindness for our Lord? The curbed tongue when you want to lash out at someone, the kindness shown instead of your foul mood, inconveniencing yourself for the sake of someone else and forgiving those who’ve hurt us? These things bring great joy to our Lord and if we remember this, it just might overwhelm us with joy!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Evening prayers with the pope

    I just got my personal invitation to evening prayer with the pope courtesy of the BBC! So I guess they're not so useless after all.
The look on Cardinal Bertone's face told me he was less than impressed with the Anglican evening choir practice as I was. The big surprise of the night: the good Archbishop of Caterbury read our pope's encyclicals. I was impressed, and so was the Holy Father.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nothing pithy today

    or any day for that matter. I was thinking to no one but myself how desperately I needed a vacation. These meetings (where we discuss heavy weight topics in MR physics) are taking all of my strength and concentration. All I've wanted to do is be someone else for a day or two, sit in a cafe, but it's to meetings I go. Today, a colleague decided to kidnap us early from work to take us to the Dutch countryside. While I appreciated it (and have been invited to go sailing with my colleague {if I can manage to stop insulting him, what can I say I'm memorable!}), I find that I will pay dearly by staying up to the wee hours crafting a presentation for the day's first meeting.

That is twice in one week I've had specific requests granted. Although, I wouldn't have classified this last one as a prayer request. It was more exasperation. I'm starting to worry, that's unprecedented! Ok, someone needs to stop praying for me, maybe...

Bless me Father

I just used the words Fr. Hotpants and Fr. Squarepants in a sentence. Yep, I'm pretty
sure that's obligatory confessional material. Although in regards to Fr. Hotpants, it was more a comment on the glories of God and how Glorious he is! Oh, my confessor's gonna love me...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Love is...

    ...having a husband who'll listen to ' History of the World: Updated', which is interesting, but dry as an unbasted Christmas Turkey just so he can save the movie wife wants to watch when she returns.

...being able to share those 'oh for f's sakes!' (one of my more favorite colorful terms - the other is even better so I'll keep that to myself) moments of irritation with someone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

You've got to be kidding me

     The feast of the exaltation of the cross, need I say more? A week ago the gospel reading was 'whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple'. Well crap, if that's the standard then no wonder no one follows. I mean can't we just discuss this over coffee or something? Picking up something painful and heavy is not my idea of fun, and I'm suppose to want to do that? Why exactly?
English not being my first language I looked it up, to will is 'to intend', while to want is 'to desire'.
I don't want to help Peachy practice (and get whined at); I don't want to pick up dirty clothes and wash; I don't want to travel; I don't want to go to gymnastics meets; I don't want to go to church, and sometimes I don't want to pray (yes prayer whore would like a few days off); I don't want to go a single night without tucking my kids into bed, or be without my husband; I don't want to be the optimist in a room of pessimists. I don't want to do a lot of things, but I do them. Does that make me a saint OR a disciple? Hardly, but it's my lousy best.


     Why does it hurt so much when, for example a friend or what you thought a friend refrains from sharing with you those significant moments in their lives? Whether it was intentional or not doesn't matter. It hurts just the same.
How I wish I wasn't relational.
Father Tom always used to talk about being in relation as a pathway to intimacy with Jesus, but opening yourself up to that kind of intimacy leaves you vulnerable doesn't it? You can get hurt, especially a woman. Men are more shielded aren't they? By nature, they have to go outside of themselves to discover what it is to be a woman. It's external to him, but for a woman, her intimate space gets invaded. She touches on what it is to be a man only from deep within her. She's vulnerable.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

    From this shortly after the end of the occupation (WWII)
to this .
Just wow! The inside is amazing and absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately the pews were empty a seemingly growing concern in Europe. However, just a few minutes down the road I worshiped with people who were on FIRE with love! I walked in and although there was no welcome committee, no greeter, I immediately felt welcomed. Was it the music, the singing (mediocre at best), the preaching, the building (whitewashed cinder blocks), cobblestone floors, wooden kneelers?
It was the reverence given during the mass and to the Holy Eucharist by no less than everyone even those kneeling on the floor because all the seats with kneelers were taken. I left there thinking, I want to be part of THAT community! Oh wait, I am!
Worship like you mean it and you'll change the world! It sure changed me.

Sometimes, having morals really sucks!

Peachy's prayers

     During the Year of the Priest Peachy decided to start praying for priests, collecting their signatures to her prayer book. I tried to dissuade her knowing it would end up as my project too. DO I WANT to collect signatures for her? DO I want to go up to men, "Hi Father, I'm a stalker. My imaginary daughter prays for priests, and I want you to sign this book. My PRECIOUS!! Would you sign? My PRECIOUS!!" Yeah no not so much, unless I know the guy and even then I send her in to do the dirty work, but I do it 'cause I love that little girl and she lights up when she gets more signatures! I'm SURE those men think me a lunatic!
I get all sorts of responses: genuine admiration, humble gratitude, awkward disbelief, tolerance and outright disinterest. The two I remember most:
- the priest I interrupted from Wisconsin who's face fell in disbelief, gave me his full attention and hugged me like we were old childhood friends. He promised to hold her in his heart at his next mass and to be sure, he wrote her name on a napkin and stuffed it in his clerical front shirt pocket.

- the priest from Europe who stopped everything to stare at me like I was a saint (I decided not to disabuse him of that notion because I really needed that boost at the time, that and I suspected he knew better. ) He smiled at me like he just won the lottery. He then proceeded to write a heartfelt blessing for her.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My wishlist

    I was editing my wish list when I started thinking about 'What is it that I have that I truly value' and I thought of this:

Ordinary rosary, yes?
I used to attend daily mass in MN. To be honest, I was the whore of the daily mass if there is such a thing and yes it was me. I'll attend daily mass anywhere, anytime with anybody. I'm a prayer whore too as long as I'm coming out of the closet, turning tricks or whatever! At one parish they'd say the rosary a 1/2 hour before mass including the priest in the last pew. Well when I told him we were leaving, he wanted us to stop in that evening where he bequeathed monkey boy a rosary, Peachy a medal and out of his very own pocket he dropped into my hand the rosary he prayed with daily, pictured above. It is the most precious things I own.

Inner peace, inner peace, inner, inner

This bed has been with us 10 years maybe. It's comfy, the kids like sleeping in it, hearing bedtime stories. Monkey boy broke the headboard doing monkey stuff on it, go figure but my folks are here less than a week and they've demolished it.
However, it still doesn't hold a candle to my house burning incident... inner peace...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You might be a homeschooler if...

    (inspired from a post Papa read but fashioned from PA experiences)
- going to WalMart is a field trip
- shoveling snow is a Phys Ed activity
- writing thank you notes/invitations is part of handwriting class
- you've made/decorated a pinata for a family member's birthday as part of Art class
- in one day you've completed all your school subjects while waiting in the Dr's/dentists office,grocery or hardware store, post office, gym, at church, before music lessons and in the car
- you have to re-do every problem you miss but still keep your initial grade
- you think a permission slip is something a woman wears
- you live in a world where it is perfectly acceptable that your teacher kisses you for a job well done
- every naked inch of you has been used to demonstrate to you proper health and hygiene
- you know more about human sexuality than most adults (and more bible verses too)
- you don’t shy away from a conversation with any adult
and my personal favorite
- if your ten years old and can still be found holding your mothers hand in public!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My daily med (Mi5:1-4)

     From you (who are too small) shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel.

Oh, the paradoxes of God. Think of it! The big bang theory: in one fell swoop the universe came to be already with the imprint of what it should be. Had it expanded a fraction faster/slower we wouldn’t be here. At conception, we have the genetic imprint of our being. Although the genetic expression of that being will come later, the blueprint is already there for our rise as we grow and genes express themselves and our fall as we age.
It’s an ever present reminder to me not to judge what I see based on what I see because not as man sees does God see for God sees into the heart, which is both reassuring and frightening much like Joseph’s fear. What was more terrifying, divorcing Mary quietly or taking her as his wife knowing she was the mother of God?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


     We've had more than a few couples comment to us that we are their 'model'. Is it how we compromise (what's his is mine and what's mine is mine - eh, it works), or how we parent ('dad, help it's heavy' - Grow stronger)?

I was looking at a photo of us and I had to laugh because...

under no circumstances would I ever mistake us as a couple, EVER!

He's Irish. I'm mexican. He's white. I'm wheat. He's daring. I'm not. He's serious. I'm silly. He's dry humor. I'm Monty Python. Our spiritualities are even different! Every other couple I meet I can go "yep, I can see that". They even look alike in certain ways or have other similar traits, politics, religion, whatever, but perhaps we do share something in common.

I'd prefer to do or have things that we don't but it's not more important to me than our marriage so I keep my silence (sometimes I can do that!). I'm certain there are things he'd rather have/not have/do/not do but he's never had a need to share that with me.

I for one am grateful! It's hard enough trying to fulfill the needs&desires of everyone else tugging on me that it's nice to have someplace to go where no one makes those demands. I'm lucky enough not only to have a husband but also friends who do that for me.

I just hope I do the same for them!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The cathedral of the Incarceration

    Am I just tired or is that just a really unfortunate name for a cathedral? I believe it was Incarnation. Ooops.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

St. Christopher,

pray for all those traveling this weekend and bless all families as they gather together this holiday weekend celebrating work and the joys of the worker by resting and relaxing with family. I'll be traveling to Texas to drive my parents so they can spend part of September with us so I'll probably be ready for work come Monday!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chuppy, wuppy, puppy

Gross!!! I know where that tongue has been!

Nevertheless, she's a good chuppy! We'll have had her 15 years this November. When we got her from the pound, she had been mistreated and abused. I can't imagine how or why anyone would have frightened her the way they did, but it took her some time to figure out that just because I was cross with her I wasn't going to hit her. It also took us a little while to adjust to her thieving ways.
These days she sleeps a lot, and I'm not so sure she can see very well anymore, but we do let her know from time to time that it's ok for her to go to the light. Papa gets particularly encouraging of this journey and even offers to speed her along her way after she takes to relieving her bladder discomfort in the house.

My daily med (Lk 4:40ish)

  "The crowds went looking for him, and when they came to him,
  they tried to prevent him from leaving them"

Ain't that the truth! I know when I'm having a Jesus moment I don't want to be distracted or interrupted, but I'm selfish that way. It's good to spend that intimate time in prayer and the sacraments, but this reminds me that I can't stay there. My place is serving him in my marriage, my family and those he's put in my life. This inevitably involves me being distracted and interrupted.
   Am I mindful in those moments that it all serves a purpose? It makes me think that if I can keep in mind that it's Him I serve so that His kingdom may come, then no task can be mundane and no distraction really distracting. Although, my feelings may disagree with that assessment! Feelings can be such a distraction.

Ah, the thoughts of the American

     In the airport, the latest rag had the scandal of this week's celebrity caught cheating on his wife and the overheard conversation went like this:

* well that didn't take long
* How long were they married???
* well you know, they've been married a long time, 7/9 yrs maybe and she's old!!

It was at that point that I relocated and thought what kind of messed up world is this?

It's not a game, a test or a class so it's not cheating. It's a broken vow. It's tender treasures that were entrusted to a hero who turned out to be chump, upturning all the treasures placed in his care into the mud. He was suppose to lay down his life to protect his bride, his marriage and he failed. Does it matter how long ago the vow was made? Does it matter there are prettier girls than his bride? It truly breaks my heart to see this which is why I had to walk away. I couldn't gawk at his shortcomings because I have so many of my own.
It made me think, does our God gawk? Not a chance! He offers us another chance to take him all the treasures that were entrusted to us (muddy, missing or broken). He cleans them up and hands us a bigger treasure box in which to store our newly restored treasures and lo and behold he adds a few extra!! He sends us on our way knowing when we mess up (when not if!!), we can always come back to him and all it takes is an ounce of humility...
bless me Father ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Just a few thoughts this Monday morning

The trouble with not having coke's (yes, we're from Tx - mostly - so everything's coke not pop, soda, fountain drinks, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Pepsi - it's all Coke 'nough said) so the problem with not having coke's in the house is that the kids have grown quite accustomed and even huge fans of mineral water! What child drinks mineral water???? So not even my Peru or is that Perrier is off limits or in the house because those guys are not children they are vultures. I walked into the sunroom yesterday and saw Monkey boy sitting down at the table, pensively reading the book in hand... by Thomas Merton. Thomas Merton, Calvin and Hobbes what kind of combination is that????

My daily med on Authority (Lk 4:16-30)

     In the gospel reading today, Jesus is the object of admiration, awe, scorn and ridicule pretty much all at the same time and all because of his authority. It makes me wonder how different things are today?

Actually I was thinking that as mom I'm pretty much in the same spot. I am at once the object of admiration, awe, scorn and of course ridicule. I must be doing a pretty good job then!

It's all in a day's work!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lullaby and good night!

     Exhausted last night with an early rise before me the next day, monkey boy got the distinct pleasure of tucking me into bed. I asked him, 'you gonna read me a bedtime story', 'yep'. How sweet! I was pretty much wiped out last night so he cuddles up next to me with the lives of the sai.. no that's not the lives of ... that's Calvin and Hobbes!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm gonna need therapy for that!

    Is the most oft proclaimed phase in the PA household. Papa usually says it after I flash him a Peach bottom first thing in the morning when hugging her I ‘accidentally’ pull up the back of her robe when Papa is ‘coincidentally’ in front of us. I used to do it quite often when she was younger but not so much now (ok to avoid the inevitable confession, I did it this morning!).

I seem to recall first hearing the phrase when the baby Peach had a diaper rash and Papa was confounded when applying the zinc ointment. Modesty precluded him from applying the stuff to his baby girl, but necessity mandated it be done. So with one eye closed, head half cocked so he couldn’t see what he was doing, apply the ointment he did. By the time I walked in she was frosted like a cake and relief oozed out of every pore of his body as he first uttered ‘I’m gonna need therapy for that’.

My daily med (Mt 24/25)

     I guess Jesus' admonition to 'stay awake' in these passages is a reminder to me to stay alert and stay focused on His kingdom and not mine. Why do I find that so hard?

Here I am slogging through the spiritual life, feeling lost and confused and it doesn't matter which direction I turn, it always seems like the wrong way and worse yet, when I try to make sense of it, it's like staring at my spaghetti code at work (C++ reference) which is in much better shape than my spiritual life. I admit sometimes I find gliding through the spiritual life is natural, like riding a bike and sometimes it's tough, like wiping out on said bike Whistling.
What's a girl to do? Trust that my JPS (Jesus Positioning System: the church and the sacraments) will recalculate a route that keeps me right on track with my final destination even when I'm lost and confused or perhaps especially when I'm lost and confused.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The bunny, the bunny, I'm gonna kill me a bunny

We just finished another round of killer bunnies. The kids are addicted to Killer Bunnies. I highly recommend it as a thoroughly enjoyable bunny thrashing time. I'm not sure it winds the kids down before bed, but they thoroughly enjoy annihilating my bunnies. Tonight it was the nuclear warhead that leveled all my bunnies and that was after the Ebola Virus. I had no chance.