Thursday, January 12, 2012


Usually I hollar (now that's a word I haven't used in a while!) that statement out at least 5 times a week, usually more, sometimes less but it's a recurring statement from me and you can just fill in the blank...
-coffee cup
-neck pillow (how do I lose a neck pillow?????)
-laptop (don't ask!)
-ear muffs

If I own it, I'm pretty sure I've lost it!

However, this week I lost my January Magnificat. It's my little prayer book that has the daily readings for the month and the ever important 3d edition Roman missal changes (the celebrant and people's parts) so I can remember the words to the prayers and follow along. Having just the people's responses for mass in front of me has not been very helpful to me. I enter into mass so disjointed and it's a distraction for me, and I feel like hollaring "I CAN"T FIND MY PRAYERFULNESS " (and yes I am using that in scrabble - fair warning) 

Although I pray along with the priest, I've found I can really enter into the prayer if I indeed follow and throw myself into the prayer (and sometimes I don't necessarily follow along but having them in front of me as a cue to when I'm suppose to chime in = OH SO helpful!!). It helps my prayerful attitude and it allows me to join in the prayer in a deeper way.

Oh and thank you Saint Anthony for retreiving my Magnificat (which my car seat swallowed). It must have been snatched out of my pocket by the un-prayerfullness demons. Thank you for the holy-whappage you gave them and in all honesty I will be super full of prayerfullness the next time I celebrate the holy sacrifice of the mass!

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