When a man goes chasing after asses (1 Samuel 9: 1-4 and 17-19) that might be your first clue that he's going to turn out to be an ass. Said and done.
I was completely tickled by Saturday morning's readings of Saul hunting for his dad's prized asses. It's in the Bible folks, look it up. Freaking hilarious!
Anyway THIS is the guy chosen to lead God's people. Remember I said be careful what you ask for because you just might get it?? The people beg God for a king because why??? They have God, but somehow God isn't good enough for them. They want to be like everybody else who have kings to rule over them. So God grants them their hearts desire and how do we recognize the new leader? He's chasing asses. Nice. Great kingly material there! If you follow the precious story of Saul, you see how he's in it for himself. How after he conquers, he disobey's God and keeps some of the bounty for himself and his men. Well from there "it all goes pants" for precious Saul.
How many lessons are in this story? How many times do I see what others have and want it for myself or want to have that lifestyle instead of my own? How often do I promise to do something and then cheat a little? How often am I truly thankful for what I have for what I've been through, for the pain and the sorrow, for the struggles I've faced because that's what's shaped me. Those are the things that have helped me let go of my selfishness. I don't know that I could do it without those trials because honestly, I'm a bit of a selfish ass in need of God to continue to chase me down.
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