If you're going to get divorced, seriously folks - why get married? Society views marriage as a convenience, aka the push for gay marriage. But that's not what it is. Marriage is a way of life that is open to life, which by definition, gay marriage can never be because sperm-sperm or egg-egg will never beget life.
Marriage is a vocation requiring discernment. Am I called to be married? Am I called to be single? Am I called to be in a religious vocation? Here's the thing, we don't discern. We give into our desires and never once consider the question, "Am I called to enter into marriage?" or "In what way am I called to give of myself?" It takes discipline to ask that question and as a society we've lost that along with the leisure suit.
I've this ongoing conversation with Monkeyboy and Peachy about their vocations. "You need to pray for your vocation. What gifts have you been given and how are you to share them? You know maybe if you start praying for them now, you'll be ready to respond in the direction you are called."
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