Our advent tradition has been to light the advent wreath during meals and sing a short song afterwards. As soon as the song ends, there is a mad dash to blow out the candles, hopefully without 3rd degree burns. If I haven't mentioned before, husband never calls anyone by name. Hence, monkeyboy's pseudonym. Well, he also affectionately calls monkeyboy, 'pooh-pooh-doo-doo'. In fact he loves changing verses while singing at mass just to annoy monkeyboy. So I wasn't surprised when singing O come O come Emmanuel after dinner that he changed the lyrics:
O no here comes pooh-pooh-doo-doo
He doesn't know that he stinks
Beware his stench might make you gag
Until he takes his smelly self a bath
Rejoice! Rejoice! He's found the soap
and now he doesn't smell like a goat
Rejoice! Rejoice! He's found the soap
and now he smells more like the Pope
Yes, well, singing 'O come O come Emmanuel' shall never again be quite the same for me.