I like traffic lights
I like traffic lights
but only when they're green"
Today's meditation, yes today's meditation comes by way of Monty Python. How's that for a meditation?
I love my family. I love my in-laws. I love the state of Texas. I love my job. I love my monkeyboy.
And yet, working in the same space my family lives, from my in-laws home, living in weather 2 degrees cooler than the surface of the sun, not having an actual office from which to conduct business and living with hormonal tweeners brings anxiety levels all of it's own.
How do I deal with it and where is Jesus in all this mess? Oh, most definitely its a mess. It's unsettling and it's raw and rough. I most definitely don't like it. It doesn't feel right. It feels like wearing underwear two sizes too small. You know it's there and it's pinching and chaffing sensitive areas making it tough to breathe.
My God, my God, why have you abandoned me - Psalm 22:1
and yet, in the midst of this I can still take solace in the same psalm that says in a few verses later
For he has not spurned or disdained the misery of this poor wretch, did not turn away from me, but heard me when I cried out - Psalm 22:25
Monty Python and Psalm 22, who else is going to give you a meditation like that???