What's not wrong? There is everything in the world wrong!
There has been this practice in the past few years to talk about Obama like he's the guy next door. He's the guy you can sit and drink beer with while watching the game. Is there anything wrong with that?
The commentators on the news, in the blogs, in newspapers, in his own campaign and in his own office make him be the guy next door. He's worked so hard to be the guy next door that he's forgotten what it means to be President of the United States of America.
This little fact hit home while I was traveling abroad and reading the international papers, watching international news and hearing or reading, "Mr. Obama spoke today at....", "Today in the presidential debate, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney....".
To which I responded, "Oh, hell no. Oh NO you didn't!"
I don't care if you like the President. I don't care if you are his gardener, his cook, his staff, the beat reporter or his adversary, he is the leader of the free world and he should be referred to as "Mr. President" or "President Obama". I've noticed, it's his adversaries who DO refer to him as "President Obama". They GET it!
I asked my friends in Europe, "When did you EVER hear "Mr. Reagan" or "Mr. Clinton" in the news, in speech or in written form?" They replied that the very sound of it was weird. They couldn't even fathom President Clinton being referred to as "Mr. Clinton".
And yet, "Mr. Obama" is acceptable to everyone? Why? I don't think anyone's noticed because it's been a gradual decline. The fact that this behavior has persisted tells me, this man does not understand the magnitude of the Office he holds. He does not have any respect for it either. This man has degraded the office of the presidency and as indecent as President Clinton was in his personal activity in the oval office, that's saying quite a lot. President Clinton's actions were embarrassing for sure. He understood the magnitude of the Office but he lacked self control. In the end President Clinton embarrassed himself, while in office but NOT the office. He knew better behavior was demanded of him, he just didn't have the discipline needed to live up to the task.
When I graduated with my PhD, the scariest word I ever heard was when people said "Doctor" before my name. The first time I heard "Doctor" and saw them looking at me expecting an answer, I thought "
Oh, crud. They are going to expect me to know something." It was the scariest and most humbling thing to hear that my services are required and I need to be careful what I do, say and how I behave because of that position.
President Obama doesn't get that, and I don't think he ever has. He's great at marketing. He's great at organizing, but he's lousy at being the leader of the free world. I honestly don't think he believes America is great. I think he thinks America needs to be like everybody else and she needs to be liked and that to him means her leader has a beer with people or makes time in his schedule to appear on 'The View' while world leaders are told the President's schedule is full so they will talk to the Secretary of State instead.
Now that's embarrassing.