Friday, September 27, 2013

My Birthday Octave

WOOHOO! I am celebrating my birthday octave! What is a birthday octave? Inquiring minds want to know!

Last night I got a text from one of my good friends wishing me a happy birthday but she wasn't sure if my birthday started yesterday or today. Turns out she was right on time for the vigil of my birthday octave.
You know what a vigil is- It's celebrating the eve of a festival or holy day. Well, what is an octave? I'll let the monkeyboy tell you.
I awoke this morning to hugs,presents from the family and a mass offered for me from one of my best friends, which has to be the best birthday present ever btw! Then I announced to the family how happy I was that my birthday octave celebration has started. Monkeyboy pipes up and tells Papa, "Papa, we need to go buy 7 more presents!"
Papa's response was, "Well, at least you know what an octave means." Only in a Catholic household would a conversation like this takes place. Only in a Catholic household would the kids in the family even understand what is meant by an octave. I love it!

An octave is an 8 day celebration or observance of a festival or holy day. Some days are SO holy that we as Catholics celebrate them for 8 days but these 8 days are treated as a single day. Such days are the Easter Octave, Christmas Octave, and of course my birthday Octave. I suppose the entire Catholic church community doesn't celebrate my birthday octave, their loss really but you are welcome to join in celebrating my birthday octave with us! All are welcome!