Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mountain Pose

Driving through Salt Lake City, I was stunned, nay amazed at the monstrous snow capped mountians. Perhaps people living in the are get accustomed to the sights but what a beautiful sight it was.
Artists, writers and all the rest of us unskilled people, when we make something we put something of ourselves in the mix. The creation reflects essentially who we are. It can be on canvas, in metal through words but these intimately convey who we are. The creations never do the person justice because as captivating as Rembrant's paintings are to admire, they demonstrate but fail to fully capture the man himself.

As I stared into the massively beautiful snow capped wonders with contrasting blue sky above and green fields below, I just thought to myself that whoever made these must be just that more awesome then what he created.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ship my pants!

What a clever ad!

A bit juvenile but clever. Clever isn't something you typically see in ads or movies anymore. Much like the Snickers commercial when the grounds keeper was chalking the KC Chief's endzone with "Chefs" instead of Chiefs, exclaiming "Great googly moogly" at his blunder, these acts of cleverness tend to stay with us. Enjoy!